Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Living in a world of mistakes,
I can see hope in all the fake,
Living to see another day,
Hoping to feel another ray.

The sorrows that bring us down,
The pain in which we drown,
Seem to vanish with a single smile,
Bringing out the happier side.

The irony of life is itself,
Seeking to find light when deaf,
Dreaming about castles in heaven,
All reality and monotony forgotten.

Imagine the world were to stop,
stop at a moment which we despise,
Would we apply all that was taught,
To bring back a life that would suffice.

Thinking and toiling under the cloud
What use is it if we are proud,
Getting Thru'life seems to be our aim,
In the end,satisfied or drained isn't based on the money or fame.

So,move on with your dreams,
Even if they seem bleak,
A day will come to face,
The rewards as beautiful as a clean lake.


John Vijay Solomon said...

Very nice post.. Glad to see you back in the blogging arena.. All the best!!!

realty chck said...

fantastic..luv 2 read it time nd again.....:)