Four down, two more to go!!
Alright, you can stop scratching your heads, I'm talking about my third semester
exams.Dreaded exams.. but hey! its what after the exams that i look forward to.. I shall be
travelling to a place of glamour and shopping!( unfortunately that doesn't excite me.. But
just for the heck of the place, i put it in..) The place..? Nah..Personal details aren't
worth mentioning here...
Anyways.. besides looking foward to the trip... what also comes to my head is the memories
of the days gone by. I still remember coming to the new room and getting adjusted to new
roommates, feeling a bit awkward but at the same time ecstatic about the new year,hoping
for an eventful sem ahead..And boy was it eventful!!
the new bonds formed, the memories made, from jumping bed to bed and the late night
movie marathons along with maggi sessions coupled with bitching rants.. staying up late at
night,not for exams, but because we enjoyed each other's company, dancing to autrocious
tunes and singing in abnormal pitches, getting a little spiritual too ( thanks to
roommates!), getting to know people who you'd never thought you'd mingle with,spending
hours in the canteen talking nonsense,the unforgettable birthday baths, clubs,culturals,
The fights, the misunderstandings,the breakups,the lost love, the lost friendship!,the
stacks of xerox of jibberish, the boring classes,the tension, the enemies made, the mishaps
and everything bad you can think of!.. oh i forgot, the "dramas"... Hehe...
Eventful? yes, it was.. But also memorable- memorable in a way you'll never forget or
never commit the same mistakes again :)
It's hard not to love the days gone by, despite cursing them so much.. cause whether you
want to believe it or not, whatever happened, made your days like seconds... happy
seconds... You will remember the best times and the worst times.. but never seperate..
(they kinda go hand in hand).And i guess thats what makes life...
Thankyou to all those who made my life amazing so far.. and to all of them, just remember
that i love you and will always be there for you.. thru thick and thin..
(besides my family)
Dedicated to( not in any hierarchy)
Parvathi(The brain)
Shriya (The twins)
Divya(Dancing queen)
Dharini( SIL! :))
suchi( puppy nosh)
Swati( Beauty queen)
Neha(mokkai queen)
Prashi( Pikachu!)
Sriram(kadalai master)
Love you all from the bottom of my heart and I'm sorry if i've ever hurt you or done
anything to harm you.. Please forgive me.. No matter what has happened in the past and what
will happen in the future.. you all will be close to me always..and have a special place in
my life..and memories..
( a true and GENUINE smile [with my dimples.. heehee] and a huge hug to all)
PS- MORE GOOD MEMORIES than BAD I SEE.. looking forward to more!!
Noticed when something really bad happens to you, you've got a bunch of people (who mean a lot to you) tell you that it isn't important.. It's just a small thing.. You've got so much more ahead of you.. How will you face that?
Now that feeling of stupidity(of fretting over something unimportant) does dawn upon you with those words.. But don't you think that unless it meant something to you, you wouldn't be feeling bad in the first place? True ain't it?( sorry for the archaic English)
Let's take an example, shall we?
One of my best friends' birthday.....
Before i embark upon this journey to memory land... Let me enlighten you on the finer aspects of this vivid sketch(etched into my gray matter) - We are a group of six... became close one of those very few "educational" tours gifted to us by our school... and close ever since... The years have rolled on since we graduated and moved on to college.. But i suppose we have our ways to keep in touch ( mine is rarely replying or answering calls.. sorry about that guys..but i guess u understand why).. Atleast for me that doesn't change the closeness or how high i hold them in my life...
Suprisingly.. one very small and i suppose insignificant mishap changed that feeling... (now here is where the story starts..)...
One of my best friends' birthday.... we always wish each other and send cards or sometimes even gifts.. This year wasn't any different in that aspect.. What was different was that, this year, she decided to publicize our efforts...unfortunately... (this was what i heard) while putting up something my friends had sent her from chennai.. She felt tired and postponed mine to the next day...
I guess the more unfortunate thing for her was that orkut has updates.. so i noticed her updated album.. And well i frankly was hurt ( I did not know about the reasons and from what i know of the girl in question.. she never postpones)...
Someone close told me that it didn't matter.. As long as you were happy with what you gave her and she thanked you for it.. Its nothing to be depressed about.. I nodded and agreed.. But as for anyone, that twinge still remained.. The feeling that maybe my way of keeping in touch was actually the cause for all this.. Something so simple caused a lot of grief...
Things are settled now.. Almost.. i still feel left out.. but I've learnt to live with it... not accept it.. but move on... i can always weave my way back in.. but in due time i suppose.. the healer( my ingenious brain :P) needs its sidekick ( my heart) to be healed first... ( so its an internal task first.. he he)
I guess you got my point... little things do matter... Like for instance.. The 13th of every month... NO NO... Not as an omen.. This day is actually "our gang day". Childish as it may seem... and saddening that we need a day to make it a point to talk to each other.. atleast we make the effort... because well.. from my side.. they still are important to me.. after all i did have the best moments of my life with my pack of six( sounds like beer cans doesn't it.. lol).. they are still the people i'd run to when i was in trouble and i couldn't tell my parents.. or my latest crush.. or a high score in a subject or even if i want to scream at someone.. Because I know they'll understand, they'll listen and they will understand.. help out if they could...they will be there for me, like they have before....
And just like i will be there for them too.. always..
Cheers you guys!
Happy thirteenth!!
It's 12th Nov,2007 (nail biting!).
I have four more days for my third semester exams.. And I have hardly touched( leave alone study) my books.. Me being myself(duh!), I brought all my books like an idiot, in hopes that I'd be able to make up for the not so satisfactory internals... And well lets just say that it ain't going too well..
Right now, My interest seems to be hovering around my new nike bag and its various compartments(hoping to find more)..
What is the point of exams when what we're learning has nothing to do with what we really want to do....!!!
more later...
Today we celebrated my mom's birthday.. although it was four days ago.. I guess we all remembered the occasion... :) Well it was a dinner celebration.. Buffet at Mainstreet,The Residency Towers... Very nice.. it had a nice theme..Streets.. I guess that's obvious..And the food was just plain 'awesome!'...Well for Rs 425 per head, it better have been amazing.. And i guess the unlimited helpings helped too...
Anyways besides the hearty fillings, what intrigued me wasn't the setting or even the food( which is shocker considering i am a food fanatic) but,just like always,The people...
Everyone or rather every kind was there.. From the 'out-of-towner's to the "mallipu" sorts... which has led me to the topic of discussion... This world is changing.... FAST..Multi-storey buildings,Huge malls,six lane highways.... what not....(I heard wall mart's on its way too!).. All this occurs to me on one of my many visits home..( which strangely feels more like a vacation than a trip back home)...listening to more of English music on the radio than the usual Tamil beats....(at one point all you could here was just that!).. and the feeling of 'Its changing too fast' tags along too.... Now what can i do about it? Nothing i suppose.. except accept it... change with the world... but there's always this hesitation....
Maybe its because of the fact that now I'm more like a visitor to chennai than a habitant,that i feel this change to be fast paced, maybe its because deep down i don't see myself adapting to the change... Or maybe its just the heady feeling i have after hogging on the buffet(especially the dessert platter!! yummy!!).. but the feeling still remains... what I am going to do about it is yet to be seen.. hey i have a blog don't I?
You'll know soon...
A rainy day, two major blockbusters, fireworks that are never enough, sweets that just seem to pour in.. making everyday of your diet worthwhile :) , calls from people who you
thought had forgotten your existence, friends visting which stops you from cribbing about
the six am wake up call... Diwali...
One of the biggest and brightest festivals India celebrates... But this time.. there wasn't any rain... both the blockbusters didn't burst any chart(except maybe the most disappointing), sweets seemed to be really limited cause now the diet is controlled by my mom, calls from people i didnt know existed, friends aren't even in the same city and fireworks just kinda got boring... not to mention the exams round the corner...
But this diwali... the mood was more about quality time...for
your family and yourself...with people more aware of those who aren't as privileged as them and actually pitching in to give them a glimpse and bring a smile to those faces as well as
(You really should try helping out distributing gifts to the orphanages on festivals like
diwali.. the response is sooo overwhelming... and gives you a content feeling...makes every
moment you celebrate even more special...)
Have you wondered about the different people who send rockets upto the sky? When my brother and I were doing the same and our parents were with us, it felt comforting and
brought this sense of happiness... all of us together.. interested in the same thing..
either mocking at my bro's inability to light the rocket towards the sky and not to the
next door building or just admiring the rockets from other houses... makes you wonder.. how is it in that house..or the one next to it.. or the next... more than a countable share of
families are doing almost the same thing as you are(atleast the essence), having their
share of jokes and fun.. people hardly remember their worries or problems for that one
night.. when everyone is under one roof...That one time in the year when,irrespective of
the fact of whether you've gone on family vacations or not,the entire family is
together...doing the one thing they all love... having fun together... a day that'll carry
them through the next year..and makes them look forward to a similar day..and also gives
them a sense of peace.. from the fact that they always have people who love them for who
they are..and are always there no matter what happens...
Diwali.. a festival that highlights the victory of good over evil.. although its said
that,these days people celebrate this festival without the memory of this very reason...
when we are able to forget whats troubling us and bring some sort of joy to those near and
dear to us with just our presence...Aren't we conquering the evils of sadness,grief and
pain.. even if its just for a day?.. Nah.. I don't think we've forgotten the reason of
celebration.. we just have our own victories to celebrate...Happy diwali!!!