Today we celebrated my mom's birthday.. although it was four days ago.. I guess we all remembered the occasion... :) Well it was a dinner celebration.. Buffet at Mainstreet,The Residency Towers... Very nice.. it had a nice theme..Streets.. I guess that's obvious..And the food was just plain 'awesome!'...Well for Rs 425 per head, it better have been amazing.. And i guess the unlimited helpings helped too...
Anyways besides the hearty fillings, what intrigued me wasn't the setting or even the food( which is shocker considering i am a food fanatic) but,just like always,The people...
Everyone or rather every kind was there.. From the 'out-of-towner's to the "mallipu" sorts... which has led me to the topic of discussion... This world is changing.... FAST..Multi-storey buildings,Huge malls,six lane highways.... what not....(I heard wall mart's on its way too!).. All this occurs to me on one of my many visits home..( which strangely feels more like a vacation than a trip back home)...listening to more of English music on the radio than the usual Tamil beats....(at one point all you could here was just that!).. and the feeling of 'Its changing too fast' tags along too.... Now what can i do about it? Nothing i suppose.. except accept it... change with the world... but there's always this hesitation....
Maybe its because of the fact that now I'm more like a visitor to chennai than a habitant,that i feel this change to be fast paced, maybe its because deep down i don't see myself adapting to the change... Or maybe its just the heady feeling i have after hogging on the buffet(especially the dessert platter!! yummy!!).. but the feeling still remains... what I am going to do about it is yet to be seen.. hey i have a blog don't I?
You'll know soon...
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