Monday, February 23, 2009

Captain Sprinkleman!!

Its been long since i blessed myself with the privilege

of blogging.... but I suppose i was just waiting for

the right Blog to come along.
I was helping a couple of friends with a junk art

competition.. the theme was SUPERHEROES.We didn't just

create a superhero.. but a scene... and this is how the

story goes..:-
Well the city is called recyclopia... made from

recycled stuff.and somewhere in a village.. there was a

little boy who was outcasted cause he had no talent

like everyone else.He used to be so fascinated with

Harry Potter.. that one day he visited the ministry of

magic to see if there was any magic to give him talent

and yes there was..
The spell had gone wrong..instead he ended up.. as

incendo.. a huge matchbox..
The ministry told him that he can get rid of it.. by

just exhaustin the powers..Which in his case was to

create fire..safely with no harm to others..
Which in his case was to create fire
All he needed was wood...
so he started exhausting it..
But while doing so.. he realized how much power he

and hence...Power corrupted his soul.. and he found a

way to keep his powers..
and decided to take revenge.. on those that outcasted

him.. cuz now he had a talent..
(evil laughter)
so he decided to target the city of recyclopia cuz it

was easily flammable..And he set about doing the same..

Now about the same time when incendo was born.. another

very talented young chap was born in the city of

recyclopia...he had amazing powers.. but he had no

knowledge of why he had them..
And his purpose on was when incendo came

alive.. that he turned into SPRINKLEMAN!( we even gave

him an underwear with "S" on it lol)
Spinkle man has a sprinkler on one hand and a vaccum

cleaner on the other hand..
He has the abilty to suck up all the ash .. and when he

does.. it goes thru his body.. and all the ash is

converted into a complex polymer which is sprayed out

thru the sprinkler..
Now.. the sprinkled liquid not only extingishes the

But when it touches the ground it sprouts into grass

within days!!
Hence.. sprinkle man saves the day.. he also has a fire

proof cape made of sand that has been modified to have

the properties of sand but ultra light!!
The villain has to have some pride.. so incendo has a

self destruction method..
Incase he is about to lose...
( ego clash)
To one of his hands there is dynamite.. if he decides

to self destruct.. all he has to do his swing the

dynamite to his shoulders.. and shake shake shake...

(lol) till it lights up... hehe
(since he's a giant matchbox!)

That is the superhero story

We even have a jingle for the hero:

Captain sprinkle!! captain sprinkle!!not single

wrinkle! he turns all the ash.. to lush green grass!!

captain sprinkle!! SET WET GO!!(psshhh) :-p